Dr. James Chancey Lett joined the board of Senior Citizens Home Assistance Service, Inc. in March 2010. Since that time, he has diligently served and led the agency while giving to the endowment fund every year since its inception. Therefore, on Thursday, April 26, 2018, the governing board of directors decided to name the endowment fund in his honor.

Dr. Lett was born on August 3, 1931 in Knoxville, Tennessee.  He received his premedical training at the University of Tennessee Knoxville and received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Tennessee medical school in Memphis.  The love of his life was Mary G. Lett, born June 6, 1931 and he was married to her for 54 years. Mary passed away on June 12, 2006.  Mary also served on the Board of Directors of SCHAS for several years as well as the Florence Crittenton Board and was involved in several activities in their church.

Dr. Lett has been an active member in every community in which he has resided.  He was a member of the American Board of Surgery, and the American College of Surgeons for fifty years.  He was the president of the Erin, Indiana Rotary Club, and the Rotarian of the Year in 1992.  He was the Chief of Surgery at Trinity Hospital in Tennessee and Putnam County Hospital in Indiana.  He was also President of the Putnam County American Cancer Society and was the Houston County, Tennessee Board of Trustees Citizen of the Year.  He has served on several boards and church offices throughout his career.

Dr. Lett and Mary had three children: James C. Lett, Jr., John Randal Lett, and Jeffrey Brian Lett. They also have one granddaughter, Sadie Lett.  Dr. Lett was the first person to treat someone in the emergency room at The University of Tennessee Hospital.  He also served as a Flight Surgeon in The United States Navy.

Senior Citizens Home Assistance Service, Inc. is thankful to Dr. “Jim” and Mary Lett for their years of service on the Board of Directors and is honored for the endowment fund to be named The Dr. James C. Lett Endowment Fund.  Earnings from the fund are used to serve clients of Senior Citizens Home Assistance Service, Inc. to ensure they remain safe in their homes.

Unlike other care giving agencies, SCHAS is unique in that we offer financial aid, known as the sliding scale fee fund, to clients who cannot afford the full fee nor are eligible for government assistance. Through grants, fundraisers, the Endowment fund and support from the United Way, SCHAS can help those with the greatest need.

The Dr. James C. Lett Endowment Fund was established to allow the agency to continue offering affordable programs and services to clients who qualify for our sliding scale fee program. Money is set aside permanently so that the income earned can be used to meet the needs of those clients. The assistance we can provide will increase as the fund grows through contributions.

The governing board of SCHAS is charged with oversight of the fund and no portion of the fund is used for the administrative expenses of SCHAS.

The decisions that you make today can have a positive impact in the lives of others long after you are gone.  Help SCHAS continue a great legacy of offering affordable services to senior citizens and persons with disabilities.  Make a contribution to the SCHAS Endowment Fund today. Your gift to the SCHAS Endowment Fund will ensure that homemaker, personal care, and transportation services will be offered to those who need the help but do not have the financial resources.



William M. Agee

Ron and Jean Alexander

Family and Friends of Ron Alexander in memory of James Alexander

Hank “Bert” Bertelkamp in memory of Jane Bertelkamp

John Brett

Estate of Ada Marie Campbell

Clayton Family Foundation

Dr. Jim and Michelle Decker

Dorothy Deean

Leigh Dunlap in memory of Argus and Donnie Blevins

Nancy Dyar

James and Karen Everett

Ann Giffin in memory of Bill Giffin

Home Federal Bank – Dale Keasling

Dr. Joseph and Patricia Johnson

Dot LaMarche in memory of Sister Jolita, RSM

Dr. James C. Lett in Memory of Mary G. Lett

Mary Lockett

William Patrick McGlothlin

Mary Ann Mulhern

Dorothy Norman and Linda Torres in memory of Charles Norman

Timothy and Lara Owens

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rothermel

Shafer Insurance Agency

Bob Talbott

Elizabeth Thomas

Richard Tumblin

DONATIONS $500 TO $1,000

Stan Boling

William Luke Cooper

Lance Davis

Donna Deean

The Deering Family and Hamblen County Board in Loving Memory of Elizabeth Lamb

Eric Ebbert

Timothy Howell

Nicole Lattimore

Dr. James C. Lett in honor of Ludell Coffey

Phyllis Marks

Karen Massey

Dr. Sandra McGuire

David and Sandra Mouron

Neal and Judy Mowery in honor of Carrie Broadus Jordan

Michele Pyles

Steven and Kelly Savell in memory of Nelson and Virginia Griffin

SCHAS Board & Employees in memory of Eleanor Howell

Teresa Schmitt

Bo Shafer

Ron Sherrill

Anne Sprouse

Stowers & Hastings

Richard Tumblin in honor of Ludell Dean Coffey

Dennis Upton

Victoria Hood-Wells

Dr. Bradley and Ashley White

Helen Wilder

Jordan and Mary Katherine Wormsley